I was thinking the other day about how sometimes poor little Eli has got quite the conundrum on his hands. On the one hand, he is mad at Mommy because I did something that he did not want me to do, like put his toy in time out that he was using to hit things he shouldn't. On the other hand, Mommy is the one who comforts him when he is upset, so though he is mad at Mommy, she is the one that he wants to cuddle him at the moment.
I was thinking about that with Heavenly Father. Sometimes I get upset with things that happen or have happened in my life, because I don't understand them completely. Usually, they are the things that I didn't have control over or that I felt like I should have had control over, but sometimes they are things that I was allowed to do to myself. But the amazing thing is, that no matter how I feel about what's going on, God still wants me to turn to him. Just like with Eli, no matter why he's mad at me, he could have just been beating me over the head with a stick that I took away, I still want him to turn to me. I still love him just as much, and I want him to come to me still. I want my little boy to come so that I can help him feel better and try to help him understand why what I did had to happen that way. I know that Heavenly Father's the same way, except with perfect love for each and everyone of us. He doesn't care how you feel about Him or anything in life, He still wants you to pray and talk with Him about it. He's longing to help us understand, He's longing to give us the recipe to turn our life's lemons into the best lemonade in creation.
I was actually reading today in Alma 5, where we learn about things that we should be doing, and even in this chapter where Alma is totally calling the people to repentance, he reminds the people about how God brings people from darkness to light, about His all encompassing powers to redeem us, and turn our corruption into in-corruption. The Good Shepard calls us still. No matter where we are and no matter how we feel. He wants us to turn to Him and learn to be the happiest we can possibly be.