Friday, November 19, 2010

You Can Always Turn To God, Even When You're Kind Of Upset With His Plan

I was thinking the other day about how sometimes poor little Eli has got quite the conundrum on his hands. On the one hand, he is mad at Mommy because I did something that he did not want me to do, like put his toy in time out that he was using to hit things he shouldn't. On the other hand, Mommy is the one who comforts him when he is upset, so though he is mad at Mommy, she is the one that he wants to cuddle him at the moment.

I was thinking about that with Heavenly Father. Sometimes I get upset with things that happen or have happened in my life, because I don't understand them completely. Usually, they are the things that I didn't have control over or that I felt like I should have had control over, but sometimes they are things that I was allowed to do to myself. But the amazing thing is, that no matter how I feel about what's going on, God still wants me to turn to him. Just like with Eli, no matter why he's mad at me, he could have just been beating me over the head with a stick that I took away, I still want him to turn to me. I still love him just as much, and I want him to come to me still. I want my little boy to come so that I can help him feel better and try to help him understand why what I did had to happen that way. I know that Heavenly Father's the same way, except with perfect love for each and everyone of us. He doesn't care how you feel about Him or anything in life, He still wants you to pray and talk with Him about it. He's longing to help us understand, He's longing to give us the recipe to turn our life's lemons into the best lemonade in creation.

I was actually reading today in Alma 5, where we learn about things that we should be doing, and even in this chapter where Alma is totally calling the people to repentance, he reminds the people about how God brings people from darkness to light, about His all encompassing powers to redeem us, and turn our corruption into in-corruption. The Good Shepard calls us still. No matter where we are and no matter how we feel. He wants us to turn to Him and learn to be the happiest we can possibly be.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

God Can't Direct Our Footsteps Unless We Are Moving Our Feet

I've been thinking about this one a lot lately. I don't know who the quote is from anymore, but it is true that "God cannot direct your footsteps unless you are moving your feet." As Elijah's gotten into being a toddler his feet have been moving more and more lately. Like many toddlers they carry him everywhere and into everything! But, I was thinking in the end what a great thing that really is for him. It's because he was so interested in the sink that I let him do dishes (obviously no knives) with me. Since he's by my side most of the time, I get to tell him how things work and show him new toys. He's found our shoes and can try them on. Of course, he does get into a lot of things that he's not supposed to and he gets really frustrated when I have to take him away from things and places he can't have, but it's worth that cost for all of the great things he does get to do. Another remarkable thing is how he can usually be distracted by reminding him about something that he can have.

I was thinking about this with life lately. Josh and I have had a lot of changes in life, and we really aren't sure sometimes what we are supposed to be doing. Sometimes I want to just give up, but then I look at little Eli. We need to keep moving our feet just like him. How else will we finally get to the things the Heavenly Father wants for us? And it's better that we run into a lot of things that we aren't supposed to do and get turned around, than never finding our end goal. I think the thing to remember is that Heavenly Father isn't upset when we move towards things that we don't know are wrong for us. Just like, I know Eli doesn't know what a lot of the things are that he's trying to get into. I get shocked sometimes, but I'm not angry with Eli. And just like Eli, I know I get frustrated when I'm moving along and God says "hey don't touch that" or "I know it looks shiny and pretty, but it's not a good thing for you to have." I just hope like Eli, I'm fairly easy to distract with the blessings that I do have and the things that I have been able to accomplish. I need to learn to trust the Lord, like Eli is learning to trust Josh and I, that sometimes you can't have things and you don't know why, but don't worry, just keep moving and I'll let you see so many other things that you can have and that will be good for you. For now, just trust me, and I'll keep you safe and help you to be happy in the end.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Trust God, He Knows Where You Are Going

The other day Josh had a Clinical that was about an hour or so away, and because of circumstances it worked out that Eli and I drove him there. It was Eli's nap time, so he fell asleep in the car. Unfortunately, he woke up early and he was very upset. It was still about 5-10 minutes to the place where we were going to drop off Josh and by the time we got there and I got him out and consoled he was having nothing to do with going back into the car. We had about two hours to wait for Josh, and I could see that staying in the dirty parking lot was not the best option. I knew that there had to be a park nearby that would be a much more fun place to play. All Elijah could see was that I wanted him to go back into his car seat.

We were at an elderly care facility so I thought at least maybe we could go in and visit the residents, but there was a sign on the door warning about a stomach flu going around the facility.

Finally, I got Elijah back into the car and we only had 5 more minutes to go to get to the park where he had tons of fun the whole time we were waiting for his Daddy.

I got to thinking about how we do that sometimes. Life gets hard or it isn't what we thought it would or should be, so we fight the path that we know we need to be on and get angry at Heavenly Father for letting us be there. We get to a place where we can stop and we refuse to go on. Even if that place is fraught with dangers, like dirty used cigarettes, cars, and the stomach flu. We just assume that anything must be better than getting back into that car and going on. When really, in the grand scheme of things, God is just trying to get us to trust Him long enough to bring us to a park where we can have tons more fun!

Like with Eli, we don't get to stay at the park forever right now. But, God knows what He's doing. That's the thing about His being all-knowing. He knows the end from the beginning and if we trust Him, then overall our journey is going to be a lot easier in this life.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Sometimes Things Just Have to be Endured

The other day poor little Eli had a sore throat. I'd taken him to the doctor because sometimes his runny noses turn into ear infections, and they said that his throat was a little pink. There was nothing to do but make sure he had liquids and rest.

Sometimes life is like that. Sometimes hard things happen and they are just situations that we just need to get up our grit and get through. That doesn't mean though that Heavenly Father isn't there and that he doesn't care. My poor little Elijah. I was on hand to do what I could for him, even though I knew that this was an experience that he needed to go through. I was also still trying to help him find the easiest way through. I knew that all he needed to do was to close his eyes and rest/sleep more and he would feel better faster, and the whole situation would be better for him. Sometimes he would let me put him to sleep and sometimes he would fight.

It's sad but true that we often do this to Heavenly Father. We, like Eli, get caught up in wondering why things are wrong and wanting to do what we normally do and feel like we normally feel. We forget that Heavenly Father has a farther reaching vision. I could look at Eli and I knew that it was good for him to have to fight this virus while he was young so that his immune system could grow stronger, it's all just something that we also learn to get through. I still felt sorry for the poor baby. Just like how I was trying to get Eli to sleep and drink fluids to get through as easily as possible, often Heavenly Father tries to help us find was to get through our trials, even the tests of endurance, when we turn to Him and truly trust Him, and believe in Him that He does care in the words of Jeffery R. Holland "God is always faithful, He never flees nor fails us." (from his talk "None Were With Him" from April 2009 LDS General Conference).

I'm going to close with some words from Richard G. Scot "I have never asked why [a very difficult trial has happened to me] but rather what is it that He wants me to learn from this experience. I believe that is a good way to face the unpleasant things in our lives, not complaining but thanking the Lord for the trust He places in us when He gives us the opportunity to overcome difficulties." ("Temple Worship: The Source of Strength and Power in Times of Need" from April 2009 LDS General Conference)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

God Must Be Happier for Being Unselfish

(this is Eli opening a Christmas present, he was very good to hand us the paper as he was ripping it off :-))

So, I guess I had already learned before that it feels really good to give people things and to help them, but as a Mom I am beginning to learn about making my entire life as unselfish as possible. As an example, I love my sleep. You fellow Moms are laughing right now, because you know where I am going with this. For those of you who are not Moms, if you would like to understand, have someone set 3-4 alarms on your for various hours throughout the night, be sure that two of the alarms are no more than 2.5 hours apart. When the alarm sounds, wake up and perform an act of service for someone in the house, which takes at least 20 minutes to complete.

Anyway, that wasn't the point, sorry. The point is, I am happier and I do better as a parent, when I can give of even my sleep with unselfishness. For example, when I'm being selfish here is more of my thought process:
*baby cries* Oh no, not again, didn't I just lay down? I am so tired. What am I going to do tomorrow when I haven't slept all night? I was really hoping that I would be awake enough to really get a lot done (I then commence thinking of all of the things that I have to do tomorrow). I hope he goes back to sleep quickly. I don't know how much more of this I can handle!

Please note the number of times that the word "I" is used.

Now the unselfish example:

*baby cries*(this doesn't change, I can't control it, only how I react) Poor little Eli, he is having so much trouble sleeping. He's never happy the next day if he doesn't sleep well. I think that his teeth are hurting him. I wonder if we should prop the bed up for him more, I think that he has a stuffy nose and that might help him breath better. I love rocking my little baby. It's sad when I think that I won't be able to always take care of everything that bothering him. He is a good boy, and he probably wants to sleep too. Poor little Angel, I will help you. Mommy's here.

Heavenly Father must have learned a long time ago that the second option always makes you feel better. It also is the best way to help those we love and those around us. The first way fixes nothing and makes us feel badly about life. I wish that I could always be like the second option, but that's what I'm trying to learn still.