Tuesday, October 12, 2010

God Can't Direct Our Footsteps Unless We Are Moving Our Feet

I've been thinking about this one a lot lately. I don't know who the quote is from anymore, but it is true that "God cannot direct your footsteps unless you are moving your feet." As Elijah's gotten into being a toddler his feet have been moving more and more lately. Like many toddlers they carry him everywhere and into everything! But, I was thinking in the end what a great thing that really is for him. It's because he was so interested in the sink that I let him do dishes (obviously no knives) with me. Since he's by my side most of the time, I get to tell him how things work and show him new toys. He's found our shoes and can try them on. Of course, he does get into a lot of things that he's not supposed to and he gets really frustrated when I have to take him away from things and places he can't have, but it's worth that cost for all of the great things he does get to do. Another remarkable thing is how he can usually be distracted by reminding him about something that he can have.

I was thinking about this with life lately. Josh and I have had a lot of changes in life, and we really aren't sure sometimes what we are supposed to be doing. Sometimes I want to just give up, but then I look at little Eli. We need to keep moving our feet just like him. How else will we finally get to the things the Heavenly Father wants for us? And it's better that we run into a lot of things that we aren't supposed to do and get turned around, than never finding our end goal. I think the thing to remember is that Heavenly Father isn't upset when we move towards things that we don't know are wrong for us. Just like, I know Eli doesn't know what a lot of the things are that he's trying to get into. I get shocked sometimes, but I'm not angry with Eli. And just like Eli, I know I get frustrated when I'm moving along and God says "hey don't touch that" or "I know it looks shiny and pretty, but it's not a good thing for you to have." I just hope like Eli, I'm fairly easy to distract with the blessings that I do have and the things that I have been able to accomplish. I need to learn to trust the Lord, like Eli is learning to trust Josh and I, that sometimes you can't have things and you don't know why, but don't worry, just keep moving and I'll let you see so many other things that you can have and that will be good for you. For now, just trust me, and I'll keep you safe and help you to be happy in the end.

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