The other day Josh had a Clinical that was about an hour or so away, and because of circumstances it worked out that Eli and I drove him there. It was Eli's nap time, so he fell asleep in the car. Unfortunately, he woke up early and he was very upset. It was still about 5-10 minutes to the place where we were going to drop off Josh and by the time we got there and I got him out and consoled he was having nothing to do with going back into the car. We had about two hours to wait for Josh, and I could see that staying in the dirty parking lot was not the best option. I knew that there had to be a park nearby that would be a much more fun place to play. All Elijah could see was that I wanted him to go back into his car seat.
We were at an elderly care facility so I thought at least maybe we could go in and visit the residents, but there was a sign on the door warning about a stomach flu going around the facility.
Finally, I got Elijah back into the car and we only had 5 more minutes to go to get to the park where he had tons of fun the whole time we were waiting for his Daddy.
I got to thinking about how we do that sometimes. Life gets hard or it isn't what we thought it would or should be, so we fight the path that we know we need to be on and get angry at Heavenly Father for letting us be there. We get to a place where we can stop and we refuse to go on. Even if that place is fraught with dangers, like dirty used cigarettes, cars, and the stomach flu. We just assume that anything must be better than getting back into that car and going on. When really, in the grand scheme of things, God is just trying to get us to trust Him long enough to bring us to a park where we can have tons more fun!
Like with Eli, we don't get to stay at the park forever right now. But, God knows what He's doing. That's the thing about His being all-knowing. He knows the end from the beginning and if we trust Him, then overall our journey is going to be a lot easier in this life.
i love your blog! Ben came by last month and I told him about your blog and he said, "Oh really? Jenna has a blog? Whats a blog?" :D take care, your son is beautiful!