Thursday, January 21, 2010

God Must Be Happier for Being Unselfish

(this is Eli opening a Christmas present, he was very good to hand us the paper as he was ripping it off :-))

So, I guess I had already learned before that it feels really good to give people things and to help them, but as a Mom I am beginning to learn about making my entire life as unselfish as possible. As an example, I love my sleep. You fellow Moms are laughing right now, because you know where I am going with this. For those of you who are not Moms, if you would like to understand, have someone set 3-4 alarms on your for various hours throughout the night, be sure that two of the alarms are no more than 2.5 hours apart. When the alarm sounds, wake up and perform an act of service for someone in the house, which takes at least 20 minutes to complete.

Anyway, that wasn't the point, sorry. The point is, I am happier and I do better as a parent, when I can give of even my sleep with unselfishness. For example, when I'm being selfish here is more of my thought process:
*baby cries* Oh no, not again, didn't I just lay down? I am so tired. What am I going to do tomorrow when I haven't slept all night? I was really hoping that I would be awake enough to really get a lot done (I then commence thinking of all of the things that I have to do tomorrow). I hope he goes back to sleep quickly. I don't know how much more of this I can handle!

Please note the number of times that the word "I" is used.

Now the unselfish example:

*baby cries*(this doesn't change, I can't control it, only how I react) Poor little Eli, he is having so much trouble sleeping. He's never happy the next day if he doesn't sleep well. I think that his teeth are hurting him. I wonder if we should prop the bed up for him more, I think that he has a stuffy nose and that might help him breath better. I love rocking my little baby. It's sad when I think that I won't be able to always take care of everything that bothering him. He is a good boy, and he probably wants to sleep too. Poor little Angel, I will help you. Mommy's here.

Heavenly Father must have learned a long time ago that the second option always makes you feel better. It also is the best way to help those we love and those around us. The first way fixes nothing and makes us feel badly about life. I wish that I could always be like the second option, but that's what I'm trying to learn still.

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