Saturday, September 26, 2009

Heavenly Father Knows Why We Are Where We Are

Elijah I'm sure wonders a lot about where we are and what we are doing there. I mean I know that we are at the grocery store because we need to buy food, or we went to campus to pick up Daddy. I'm sure to Eli it's another trip in the car to a strange place where we will do something or another.

I guess I was thinking a lot about that lately because we have recently moved clear across the country. It is comforting though to know that no matter where I am that The Lord knows where I am and what I am doing there.

I also thought about how when we go places, it is very helpful for Eli to be happy and cooperative about everything. When he is upset and not up to being wherever we need to be, then we barely get done with the essentials (where possible). We are able to accomplish more when he is cheery and positive about life. The same goes for me. I get more accomplished, learn more, and am happier when I have a good attitude. I keep myself from experiencing many important, wonderful, and fun things when I don't cheerfully move forward, just doing what I can.


  1. And then next week you are going to come back HERE! Where I can see ELI! And YOU! You had better be cheerful and positive about that, so-help-me.

  2. I love how your blog is about you learning more about Heavenly Father as you learn more about being a parent yourself. As your child grows you will learn more and more about Him. I love it!
